Helping Those in Need


Hello Church!

Friday got a call from a lady that I will call Sue.  She was ready to move into her apartment that the Oxford Vineyard helped her find and she needed the down payment.  Kim and I were not prepared but we scrambled and loaded our trailer with some extra beds we had and headed to town.

We arrived and I went into the landlord office with Sue and we sat down together.  Blessed Sue had told the landlord all about how the Oxford Vineyard was helping her move in and that I was her pastor.  The landlord proceeds to share her heart about a lost daughter and we talked about Heaven, Jesus, and the reality of the Word of God!  She asked me how I knew the Bible was real and I told her that the Bible is a love letter inviting us into an encounter with the living God.  I know it is real because I have felt His presence and seen His healings and miracles. At this Sue interjects, "Yeah, He even healed my wrist!" (I had prayed in Kroger for her carpal tunnel and she was immediately healed)  We prayed for the landlord and had a sweet moment in the Holy Spirit together!

We left and began unloading the mattresses.  Sue said she had a friend help unload who I will call Mike.  Also Sue's daughter who I will name Mary was helping as well.  Mary was 25 years old and moving in also with her mom.

At one point Mary, the daughter, Mike, and I stopped together to chat.  I told Mike that he looked familiar and he shares that we met uptown Oxford one night and he was ready to throw himself in front of a train.  He was struggling with depression. He said, "You prayed with me and I gave my soul to Jesus and I have had joy ever since!" (Night Watch Encounter)  I was shocked. Mary then chimes in that she has been struggling also with depression so I asked if we could pray for her. I placed my hand on her shoulder and said,"come Holy Spirit."  She immediately started to sway backwards and said, "whoa." The Holy Spirit gave me prophetic words to pray over her and set her free from her past. After we prayed, I asked her if she wanted Jesus in her life.  She said absolutely! Mike proceeds to lead her in the prayer of asking Jesus to be her Lord and Savior! So good!

Holy Spirit is so much fun!  So excited about what Father is doing in this season and hour!  Rise up Church it is time to shine!

